Steven Schroeder | presence of mind/body of thought: an intimate correspondence


The passion of your method chills me:
Terror scarcely held in check by doubt or by location takes away my breath
Terror scarcely held in check by doubt or by location locates you
Terror locates you in an unillumined eye, third unseeing eye seeing nothing,
I that does not breathe, disembodied, I that is not soul, I that is not mind,
I that is not thinking I. Terror, terror, terror of being, terror of being
Nowhere. Nobody speaks from nowhere. Nobody thinking I think therefore I think
Nowhere. Third I unillumined makes of you a set that contains itself,
Its self thinking it is nowhere, contained, it is not
Here present mind, present body, present soul, breathing.
The passion of your method,
Terror, chills me.

No body, no mind,


from Rambunctious Review. Volume XII | 1996